Apollo Series 65 Integrating Ionisation Smoke Detector menggunakan foil radioaktif aktivitas rendah untuk mendeteksi kebakaran dengan penyinaran udara di dalam ruang asap dan menyebabkan aliran arus. Jika asap memasuki ruangan, aliran arus berkurang terkemuka untuk alarm. Sirkuit ini Mengintegrasikan Ionsation proyek Detector Smoke terhadap tingkat sementara asap di atas ambang batas normal hingga 20 detik. Apollo Series 65 Integrating Ionisation Smoke Detector dapat merespon dengan baik pembakaran yang cepat atau lambat. produk ini dirancang untuk beroperasi di lingkungan di mana detektor asap mungkin diharapkan, memiliki tegangan operasi yang luas serta Flashing LED dan magnet untuk dioperasikan pada opsi uji swtich.
Fire Alarm Apollo Series 65 Integrating Ionisation Smoke Detector
Product Name | Part Number |
Series 65 Integrating Ionisation Smoke Detector | 55000-220 |
Series 65 Integrating Ionisation Smoke Detector with flashing LED | 55000-219 |
Series 65 Integrating Ionisation Smoke Detector with flashing LED and magnetic test switch | 55000-218 |
Document | PP Number | Issue |
Series 65 12V Relay Base | PP2403 | 2 |
Series 65 Engineering Product Guide | PP2061 | 2 |
Approval Body1 | Part Number | |
EMC Directive 2004/108/EC- RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU | 55000-218 | |
EMC Directive 2004/108/EC- RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU | 55000-219 | |
EMC Directive 2004/108/EC- RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU | 55000-220 | |
CPD – Construction Products Directive 89/106/EEC – EC Certificates of Conformity | 55000-219 | |
CPD – Construction Products Directive 89/106/EEC – EC Certificates of Conformity | 55000-220 | |
Hong Kong Fire Services Department | 55000-220 | |
Forsikringsselskapenes Godkjennelsesnevnd | 55000-220 | |
Loss Prevention Certification Board | 55000-218 | |
Loss Prevention Certification Board | 55000-219 | |
Loss Prevention Certification Board | 55000-220 | |
Verband der Schadenversicherer | 55000-220 | |
Svensk Brand & Sakerhets Certifiering AB | 55000-220 |